For more
information email Genl. Daniel Vaske
About the Knights of St. John International
Knights are active in their dioceses in parish councils, in lay and in ordained ministry, in liturgical planning, Serra Club, St. Vincent de Paul Societies and other activities.
Knights assist, advise, and tutor students in their community schools.
Knights contribute time, talent, and monetary funds to numerous nationwide and diocesan charities. The official International Charity of the Knights of St. John International is the St. Vincent de Daul Society.
Many Knights organizations have purchased or built clubhouses for the holding of social and fundraising activities. Many social activities are sponsored by individual units of the organization.
The Knights National Bowling Tournament held each year is the organization's largest sports activity. Individual Commanderies of the Order play in or sponsor various leagues or tournaments,
Individual Knights as well as local units participate to the fullest in neighborhood and community affairs. A group of Knights in Kentucky has provided housing for the elderly. Some participate in Memorial Day, Independence Day and other national holiday events.
There is a Cadet organization that is part of the overall organization. Youth groups are encouraged to develop their own plan of activities with guidance from adult members.
Baltimore / Washington - Brig. Gen Thomas Dotson, 39544 Lindsey Way, Mechanicsville, MD - Tel. 301-884-2843
Buffalo - Brig. Genl. Donald Kirsch, 90 Greenhill Terr., W. Seneca, NY 14226 -Tel. 716-674-2497
Cincinnati - Brig. Genl Douglas Francony, 1010 W. North St., Piqua, OH 45356 - Tel. 937-778-0804
Indiana - Brig. Genl. Ed Obermeyer, 23129 Vote Rd., Batesville, IN 47006 - Tel. 812-934-3417
Kentucky - Brig. Gen. James Kiger, 278 Gettysburg Dr., Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017-3639 - Tel. 859-341-6235
Michigan - Brig. Genl. Dale Gossiaux, 7375 E. Baldwin Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439-95007 - Tel. 810-694-0203
New York - Brig. Gen. Ronald Attanasio, 213 Glen Avenue, Scotia, N. Y. 12302 - Tel. 518-370-5988
Ohio - Brig. Gen. Kenneth Balmert, Sr. 1043 West 9th Street, Lorain, OH 44052 - Tel. 440-246-4564
Accra - Brig. Genl. Harry Simon Kwame Gadzegbo, P.O. AN.7051, AccraNorth, Ghana, W.A. - Tel. 011-233-021-505-032-303
Cape Coast - Brig. Genl. Joseph Nkrumah-Boateng, P. O. Box 36, Cape Coast, Ghana, W.A.
Tamale - Brig. Genl. Jacob M. Bagonluri, P. O. Box 4ER, Tamale, Ghana, W.A. - Tel. 011-233-071-231-6523286
Sierra Leone - Brig. Genl. H. M Joko-Smart, Kini Chambers, 76 Pademba Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone, W.A.
Liberia - Brig. Genl. David M. Johnson, Sr., Catholic Mission, P. O. Box 10-0207, 1000 Monrovia, Liberia, W.A.
Abuja - Brig. Genl. Dan Anaebo Okekenta, Worldgate Group Ltd., Plot 770 Durumi District, Maltina Depot by Area 1 Junction, P. O. Box 6252, Garki PC 900001, Abuja-Nigeria, W.A.
Calabar - Brig. Genl. Michael A. Ikon, 38 Ukana Offot, Uyo, AKS, Nigeria, W.A.
Enugu - Brig. Genl. George E. C. Obiamalu, 75 Chime Avenue, New HAven, Enugu, Nigeria, W.A.
Jos - Brig. Genl. Emmanuel Ezeabikwa, Fesco (Nig) Ltd., No. 33 Rwang Pam Street, P.O. Box 138, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria, W.A.
Lagos - Brig. Genl. Austin Osuorah, P.O. Box 200, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria, W.A.
Onitsha - Brig. Genl. Anselm I. Okafor, No. 8 Ridge Rd., G.R.A. Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria, W.A.
Owerri - Brig. Genl. Augustin E. N. Izuwah, 47 Jubilee Road, P.O. Box 103, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, W.A.
Togo - Brig. Genl. Emmanuel Kouassi Gnassounou-Apka, B.P. 4232, Lome, Togo, W.A.
Trinidad and Tobago - Brig. Genl. Ernst Perez, 14 Gonzales Circular Road, Gonzales, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Panama - Sir Knight Alfred Cox, Estafeta El Dorado, Apartado 6-1541, Panama, Republic of Panama
England - Sir Knight John Akodi, London, England, United Kingdom
All Others - Major Genl. Joseph W. Hauser, Jr., 89 South Pine Ave., Albany, NY 12208-2214 - Tel. 518-453-5675
Ladies AuxiliaryMembership Requirements Organizational Structure / Location Benefits History Officers For more information email Betty Thomas RETURN TO TOP OF PAGE Membership Requirements BENEFIT MEMBERSHIP an active Catholic woman between the ages of fifteen (15) to sixty-two (62) years SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP * an active Catholic woman over the age of 62 JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIPS ** an active Catholic girl between to ages of eight (8) to sixteen (16) years* Members of subordinate Auxiliaries who meet the age requirements are eligible for a Supreme Death Benefit. Sick and Death Benefits are also available in many subordinate Auxiliaries. Social members may have some benefits available to them in subordinate Auxiliaries depending on individual by" laws.
Organizational Structure / Locations
an opportunity for social and religious interaction with Catholic women
a chance to demonstrate Catholic action
a means to provide charitable assistance to those in need
participation in uniformed drill teams where available. Teams compete at Conventions and take part in religious and civic affairs.
participation in a National Bowling Tournament
a Death Benefit
for Junior Auxiliary members, participation in a
student incentive awards program
The Ladies' Auxiliary has been affiliated with the Knights of St. John, International since 1894. The Supreme Auxiliary was formed in 1900 and became incorporated in 1938. The Supreme Auxiliary and the Supreme Commandery meet in separate Conventions at the same time and in the same location every even numbered year.
Over the years, the Auxiliaries have maintained a spirit of sisterhood which allows them to care for their members in a spiritual and corporal way. Members go out of their way to provide for their sick and needy sisters.
Charity is a mainstay of all the Auxiliaries. The Theresa Johana Memorial Fund maintained by the Supreme Auxiliary with only four cents a month per member has made numerous contributions to the Red Cross, Catholic Bishops' Relief Fund, American Heart Association, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer Society, children's homes, abused women's shelters, the homeless, hospices, missionary societies and to victims of natural disasters. In addition this fund has made possible the contribution of the Rose Window over the main entrance to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. along with the St. Anne altar in the Crypt Church of the Shrine.
Subordinate Auxiliaries support charities of their choosing.
The Supreme Auxiliary also sponsors a Student Incentive Awards program for Junior Auxiliary members. This program provides an opportunity for Junior members to receive cash awards to assist in their educational goals.
Many Subordinate, District or Grand Auxiliaries sponsor social or sporting events that bring their members together.
The Auxiliary has always been under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
"Tentative Schedule" Knights of St. John - Ladies Auxiliary 2002 Convention - Cleveland, Ohio Monday, July 15 Tuesday, July 16 Wednesday, July 17 Thursday, July 18 Friday, July 19 Saturday, July 20
2003 National Bowling Tournament Utica, New York Friday, April 25, 9:00 pm- Supreme Officers Bowling Challenge at AMF Pin-O-Rama Lanes Saturday, April 26, 10:00 am and 2:00 pm - Single & Doubles events at AMF Pin-O-Rama Lanes Sunday, April 27, 8:00 am - Youth bowling event at AMF Pin-O-Rama Lanes
Knightly News
Florence Hauser Called by the Lord
The Lord has summoned to heaven another of his angels from here on earth. Florence Hauser, the wife of Supreme Secretary, Major General Joseph Hauser, Jr. was callled to her heavenly reward on Thursday, November 8, 2001. She was the dedicated mother to four children, Mary, Margie, Jo Ann and Joe, as well as a loving grandmother to 11 grandchildren. Florence' Christ like attitude was an example to all. During her long illness she never complained about the cross she was asked to bare. Her last words were a attribute to her deep rooted faith in God. She simply told Joe, "Pray, pray, pray." She will be missed dearly by all. Please keep them all in your prayers.
In Loving Memory of Our Past Supreme Counsel
On May 25, 2002 the Lord chose to call Brigadier General Paul H. Thielman to His side. Paul fought a long tough battle with cancer. Paul was member of Commandery 135 of Buffalo New York for more than 25 years and was recipient of the prestigious "Jewel of Honor" last year. He was amember of Parish Council at St. Agnes Church, as well as the Holy Name Society, Habitat for Humanity, and Sertoma International. May his soul rest in the peace of the Lord.
Past Supreme President General John Schneider Dies at age 88
General John Schneider was called to his etrenal reward on . Visitation was held at the Harris Funeral Home in Rochester New York on July 2, 2002. He was laid to rest on JUly 3rd after Mass of the Resurection at St. Margaret Mary Church. May the Lord grant him the Eternal Reward promised to us all who believe in Him. Amen.
Supreme Board Meeting to be hosted in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
The next Supreme Board Meeting will be hosted in Ft. Mitchell, KY on July 18, and 19, 2003. The meetings will begin on Saturday morning. The Supreme Secretary will mail the agenda to all board members in advance of the meeting.